Rollenspiele - Exalted - Maps

Exalted Maps by stephenls.


It's been almost a year.

Unless I discover some glaring error in the 7.1 maps that needs correction (not without precedent, unfortunately), this looks like it's it. This is the map with (almost; see below) all the information from all the first edition Exalted supplements on it.

I think I'm happy with it. The one point of contention for me, here, is that Bastions of the North notes Crystal being 100 miles northeast of the Fortress of Red Ice, whereas going by the maps in the Abyssal inside cover, it's actually closer to 600 or 700 miles. Now, normally, I'd move the Fortress of Red Ice up to where it's described as being in Bastions of the North, because the least reliable map in all of the Exalted gameline is the Abyssals map, and generally I rank anything above it -- but I'll leave it be this time. It's been where it is too long to be worth shifting it.

The slightly smaller point of contention is that I've incorporated some roads into the map now, but not the Road to the End of the World from Time of Tumult. I tried, but it just looked horrible, and it's not described as being a particularly important road, so I'm ignoring it.

As usual, the A map is all the certain locations, the B map is all the certain locations except for the Yu-Shan gates, and the C map is everything I could fit, including stuff I had to guess about.

- Stephenls

Map of Creation Thumbnail
Standard Map
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Yu-Shan Gateways
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map with uncertain locations


Um. Oops.

Unfortunately, v 5.1 had a major error -- the Ruby Court of the Fair Folk, in the Southeast, was labeled as the Jet Court. Creation does not have two Jet Courts in place of a Jet Court and a Ruby Court, so here's the correction, in the form of v 5.2.

I've also incorporated a bunch more uncertain locations, mostly on the Blessed Isle. In addition to that, the dominions and prefectures of the Blessed Isle (or those we've been given; there's supposed to be hundreds of them, and these are just the ones that were mentioned in E:tDB) are now marked on all versions of the map.

Version 5.1a is all the certain locations, v 5.1b is all the certain locations minus the Yu-Shan gateways, and v 5.1c is all the locations including all the uncertain ones found so far.

As always, please head to my Exalted Wiki page and submit any uncertain locations you find that I have missed." - Stephenls

Map of Creation Thumbnail
Standard Map
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Yu-Shan Gateways
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map with uncertain locations


"Some big changes this time 'round.

First, I've incorporated the information from the Fair Folk map. I finally succumbed to the urge to gimmickry, and used a different font. In my defense, it looks pretty good.

Second, the way the maps are organized is different. There's no more map without Fair Folk info, for one. This is partially because I originally offered that version 'cause my Fair Folk info presentation was hideous and I didn't want anyone to have to print it if they hated looking at it, but now it's not hideous. Mostly, though, it's because I don't want to have four different maps to make.

Because I've added a new third version.

There's still a version without the Yu-Shan gates, though I don't know why anyone would want it. Version A of the map is the same as it ever was -- all the locations I'm sure of. Version B is version A with the Yu-Shan gates removed.

The third version of the map, in this case v 5.1c, includes locations with no definite placement information. Towns mentioned offhand in some sourcebook or another with no real location given beyond "somewhere in the Hundred Kingdoms," for instance. The named Lookshy Redoubts. Locations I was reasonably sure of before, but not positive. It's more complete, but it's also full of guesses. Mind you, I think I've made some good guesses.

This is because while the map is certainly useful in play, it's more useful as an ST aid. "Hey, the PCs are here; what's near here? Ooh, that place. They could do something over there!" There are a lot of cool locations with no map data given, and leaving them off the map is unsatisfying.

It's not complete yet. I can't go through my book collection with a fine-toothed comb /again/, this time looking for every location I chose not to include the last two times I did so. I'd go mad. So I'm asking for help.

Please visit my wiki page at
Anyway, that's it this time. If people submit locations, or if I devote some time to searching through the books for locations I can remember, updates will probably start coming more often than they have in a while." - Stephenls

Map of Creation Thumbnail
Standard Map
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Yu-Shan Gateways
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map with uncertain locations


"Woo! Houses of the Bull God info!

Well, that's the most obvious change. I also re-did the scale (again) to match the map scale given on the Harborhead map. This is, I think, the first actually reliable map scale we've been given. As it turns out, Creation is slightly smaller than the previous maps would indicate.

Adjusting the scale changed the positions of the locations given in the Players' Guide -- Vesathar Valley isn't in the Proving Ground anymore, for example, and Scag turns out to have been a different island entirely.

Also, I put in the map info from Aspect Book: Earth. The island on which the Heptagram is situated is called the Isle of Voices, and the Heptagram shares it with the ruins of Versino." - Stephenls

Map of Creation Thumbnail
Complete Map
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Fair Folk
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Yu-Shan Gateways and the Fair Folk


"The biggest and most obvious change here is the addition of letters and numbers to the grid system, allowing me to do, er, other things later, independent of the actual map file itself. I don't know how long that'll take. That's not the only change, though.

I fixed the position of Vesathar Valley. I'd put it 1,500 miles North and 600 miles East of Chanta, when in fact it's listed in the Players Guide as 1,500 miles North and 600 miles West. This puts it in the middle of the Proving Ground and Yseult's Domain, but if the Invisible Fortress can be in the middle of the Linowan Nation, some Dragon Kings can fight off the fae.

I added Alom Vilag to the south. It's the small opium-addicted nation sitting on the coast between Chiaroscuro and the Varang City-States, mentioned on page 64 of Manacle and Coin. Near there, I put a barbarian marker for the Djala panda people. They're mentioned in Faka Kun's entry in Castebook: Night as being under "the oppressive rule of the Varang City-States," and barbarian tribes tend to cover so much territory that exactness isn't necessary when noting their location. Just figure they're roughly around that are.

Finally I re-did the graphics for the Vaniwayan River. It always displeased me before -- it didn't look like the rest of the rivers in Creation; its color was off. Better now." - Stephenls

Map of Creation Thumbnail
Complete Map
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Fair Folk
Map of Creation Thumbnail
Map without the Yu-Shan Gateways and the Fair Folk


"The changes are in two areas. First, I added all the locations from the Dragon Kings chapter of the Players Guide, except for Scale Crest Island. I'm reasonably sure Scale Crest is the last island on the southern border of the map -- the one with the big volcano and Yu-Shan Gate #45, -- but "reasonably sure" isn't sure enough.

Second, I've removed the label "Blood Fury Tribe" from the Southwest and the labels "Mountain Uprooting Brotherhood Turf" and "Thousand Fang Army Total Control Zone" from the Southeast. According to Exalted: The Lunars (page 64, bottom of the second column), those three are not barbarian tribes but rather Lunar packs, and I'm in the habit of not putting Exalt influence zones on the map directly. This is why I never put "Bull of the North," "Home of Uka the Boar," "Lair of Leviathan," "Ten Stripes," "Ka-Koshu's Domain," "Tamuz Walks Here," or "Lair of Raksi, Queen of Fangs" (all from Exalted: The Lunars) on the map either. "The Nameless Lair of Ma-Ha-Suchi" is an exception because I tried putting "The Nameless Lair" on the map but it looked dumb.

3.2a is the map with everything, 3.2b is the map with everything except the Fair Folk domains from Kingdom of Halta, and 3.2c is everything but the Fair Folk domains from Kingdom of Halta and the Yu-Shan gateways. " - Stephenls

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Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.